Culinary Tourism Statistics. Purchase the Latest Research Report. According to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia in 2008.
According to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia in 2008. This insightful infographic from Venngage puts forward some interesting facts and figures that support that global appetite. Roughly 70 of respondents bring local food or beverages back home as a souvenirgift.
Global Culinary Tourism Market is estimated to be valued US XXX million in 2019.
According to World Travel and Tourism Council WTTC it accounted for significant share of 104 in the global economy in 2017. 82 of respondents spend more money on food and drinks when traveling compared to being home. According to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia in 2008. According to World Travel and Tourism Council WTTC it accounted for significant share of 104 in the global economy in 2017.