Q Factor Culinary Definition. To use a heavy object placed on top of a prepared food for the purpose of squeezing out excess fat or liquid or to force a food to form to the contour of a mold. As a general rule the larger and thicker the cut of meat and the higher the cooking temperature the more residual heat will be in the meat and the more the internal temperature will rise during resting due to carry-over cooking.
Followed by a number is used at the beginning or the end of an ingredient list. Definition of Factor explained with real life illustrated examples. In some restaurants the Q factor may be only a few cents for items like salt pepper and hot sauce.
Carry-over cooking is caused by residual heat transferring from the hotter exterior of the meat to the cooler center.
In most recipes the term yields. Means to give forth or produce by a natural process or in return for. 2015 INTERNATIONAL CULINARY CENTER 20 Determining Total Recipe Cost 1. As a general rule the larger and thicker the cut of meat and the higher the cooking temperature the more residual heat will be in the meat and the more the internal temperature will rise during resting due to carry-over cooking.